Art Direction &

Project Management.

With over 12 years of experience in various countries, I love making  innovative projects and directing captivating visual experiences. My work spans across a diverse range of media including videos, photos, and more.

My approach to management is rooted in innovation. I thrive on developing creative strategies that push boundaries and deliver exceptional results. Over the years, I’ve honed my skills in leading teams, managing budgets, and ensuring timely delivery without compromising on quality.


Selected Work

Project 1: Oaxaca Series MasterClass Xiaomi – Video and Photography Project

In the picturesque setting of Oaxaca, we made a series of videos and photographs that not only showcased the region’s beauty but also highlighted its cultural richness with our product. In addition to directing the creative aspects, I managed the budget and provided the necessary direction for the project’s execution. This project was a testament to the ability to blend creativity with strategic planning, resulting in visually stunning content that captivated audiences.


Project 2: «Ilusione» – Innovative Interactive Experience

«Ilusione» was a groundbreaking interactive experience that I conceptualized from zero. Serving as a kickoff event for the year, it seamlessly blended reality with fantasy, providing attendees with a unique and unforgettable experience. From ideation to implementation, I oversaw every aspect of the project, ensuring that it delivered on its promise of innovation and engagement. «Ilusione» not only showcased my ability to think outside the box but also demonstrated my proficiency in bringing immersive experiences to life.

Art direction for photo and video.


As an art director, I have a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of visual aesthetics. Whether it’s creating compelling visuals for a marketing campaign or designing immersive experiences, I always strive to exceed expectations and leave a lasting impression.